戦艦 香取


Battleship HIJMS Katori
he Katori was ordered from Great Britain together with her sister ship Kashima because the Russo-Japanese War appeared imminent, and she was planned and built as a stronger battleship than the Mikasa. However, the Russo-Japanese War ended before these ships could take part in the action. At the time of completion, there were great expectations for the Katori and Kashima as powerful state-of-the-art battleships, but they were eclipsed by the launch of the revolutionary Dreadnought for the British Royal Navy in Meiji 39 (1906), and thus become obsolete battleships. In the First World War, she served as a support ship in the invasion of Saipan. In Taisho 12 (1923), in compliance with the Washington Naval Treaty, she was scrapped.
The Katori played a very special and important role. In Meiji 40 (1907) The Crown Prince (later Emperor Taisho) travelled on her to Korea, and in Taisho 10 (1921) The Crown Prince (later the Showa Emperor) traveled on her to Europe.

戦艦 薩摩

初の国産主力艦 筑波に続き、日本は常備排水量2万トンに迫る世界最大の薩摩を計画し、当時の新機軸を採用しつつ約4年の歳月をかけて建造しました。しかし、建造中にイギリスが戦艦ドレッドノートを完成させたため、完成前に旧式戦艦となってしまいました。とは言え、東洋の有色人種の国家が独力で戦艦を設計・建造したことは、列強諸国に大きな驚異を与えました。

Battleship HIJMS Satsuma
The Satsuma was the first battleship completed in Japan. Since the loss of two main battleships in the Russo-Japanese War made a deep impact in Japan, it was decided to embark upon a crash program to develop the domestic ability to construct battleships. After the first major warship built in Japan, the Tsukuba, Japan planned to build the Satsuma, which would be the largest warship in the world at 20,000 tons displacement. She was to be built employing the newest technology, taking four years to construct. However, with the completion of the Dreadnought in Great Britain, she was rendered obsolete. Despite this, the design and construction of such a ship by an Asian country caused much admiration among the Great Powers of the West.
In the First World War she participated in operations against German colonies in the Pacific. In Taisho 12 (1923) she was decommissioned according to the stipulations of the Washington Naval Treaty. The Satsuma was designated as a target ship, and off Cape Nojima of the Boso Peninsula she was fired upon by the 5th Cruiser Squadron, consisting of the Yura, Natori, and Nagara, and torpedoed by the 5th Destroyer Squadron, the Asakaze, Harukaze, and Matsukaze. She capsized, and finally disappeared into the depths.

戦艦 河内


Battleship HIJMS Kawachi
The Kawachi, which was designed to counter the HMS Dreadnought, was the first Dreadnought class ship designed and built in Japan, and the first to surpass 20,000 tons. With twelve 12-inch guns and the installation of Curtis directly-coupled turbines, she was expected to be a powerful cutting-edge battleship. However, her main guns were laid out in a turtle shell arrangement, in six twin turrets: one forward, one aft, two to starboard, and two to port. Her guns were of different calibers, (the forward and aft turrets were of 50 caliber, the central turrets 45 caliber), making it very difficult to coordinate fire. After commissioning, the Kawachi was deployed as a main line battleship, and participated in the Siege of Tsingtao in the First World War. On July 12, Taisho 7 (1918), while anchored in Tokuyama Bay she suffered a sudden explosion and sank in a mere four minutes. Of 1,020 crew on board, 621 could not evacuate in time and perished. From her commissioning to her loss she had a short service life of only six years.

惟、凛然として -戦艦 長門 2604-


Battleship HIJMS Nagato
“The awe inspiring -Battleship HIJMS Nagato 1944-”
The Nagato was ranked among the top seven battleships in the world, and at the time of the Washington Naval Treaty she became a symbol of the Imperial Japanese Navy. When completed, she was the first in the world with a main battery of 16-inch guns, and with a high speed for a battleship of over 26 knots, she made a deep impression on naval experts around the world.
This work shows the Nagato in Operation Sho-Ichigo, just before the Battle of Samar Island. The order has been given to man anti-aircraft battle stations, and the battle ensign flutters from the mast. The crew has manned their anti-aircraft gun emplacements, and are looking up at the sky. One of the special features of the Nagato class was the spoon bow, with its large protruding bulge, which helps it plow through the waves of the southern ocean. The crew is on the alert as they await the air attack, while the ship maintains her stately progress through the sea.
Seventy years after Nagato was sunk in the nuclear bomb test at Bikini Atoll, this work was dedicated to Sumiyoshi Shrine, in Shimonoseki City, Yamaguchi Prefecture. This shrine had shared its patron deity with the shrine onboard the battleship Nagato.

廣瀬武夫中佐 肖像


Portrait of Lieutenant Commander Hirose Takeo
Lieutenant Commander Hirose Takeo (posthumously Commander) was born in Keio 4 (1868), in the Oka domain to Hirose Shigetake, his second son, in the the province of Bungo Taketa town. (present day Oita prefecture Taketa city) In a mysterious way, he shares his birthday with the day of the Battle of Tsushima, (Navy Anniversary Day) May 27th, Heisei 30 (2018) marks the 150th anniversary since his birth. In the second operation against Port Arthur in the Russo-Japanese war, he was on the blockship, at the front of the action, in which he bravely perished. In contemporary Japan, he was elevated to the status of War God. He, along with Sugino Magoshichi on the Fukui Maru, were celebrated in a song created the Education Ministry, which was sung across the nation.
This work, which I created to celebrate the 150th anniversary of his birth is included in the Sugano Art Studio Fu pencil drawing exhibition, this year, through the Hirose Takeo Remembrance society, this work will be dedicated to the “War God” Hirose Takeo at the Hirose Shrine.

天睨む玄武の如く -航空戦艦 伊勢 2604-

ミッドウェイ海戦での主力空母4隻喪失がきっかけとなり、姉妹艦 日向と共に航空戦艦に改造されましたが、その真価を発揮する局面は訪れませんでした。昭和19(1944)年10月25日、捷一号作戦で小澤中将率いる「囮艦隊」の1隻として参戦し、エンガノ岬沖海戦で壮絶な空襲受けました。しかし、深刻な被害を受けることなく奮闘し、生還を果たしました。
本作品は、エンガノ岬沖海戦で対空射撃が開始される寸前の様子をイメージして描いたものです。防空巡洋艦五十鈴から撮影された伊勢の写真を基に、全く異なる角度からその場面を描きました。背景の艦尾側には防空巡洋艦 五十鈴、艦首側には駆逐艦 桑、航空母艦 瑞鳳、駆逐艦 秋月を描いてあります。

Battleship HIJMS Ise
“Staring down the attack from above -Battleship HIJMS Ise 1944-”
The domestically constructed Ise was the first battleship to put Japan on an equal footing with the battleships of the Great Powers. Particularly after modernization, she was one of the most powerful battleships in the world.
After the loss of four carriers at Midway, along with her sister ship the Hyuga, she was converted to a hybrid battleship carrier, and her true value became apparent.
On October 25, Showa 19 (1944) she was part of the decoy force under Vice Admiral Ozawa Jisaburo, and bravely received enemy air attack. However, she did not receive any bomb hits, and survived the battle.
This work shows her preparing to use her main battery in anti-aircraft fire at Cape Engano. I used a photo taken from the anti-aircraft light cruiser Isuzu as the basis for this work, but with the angle altered. The Isuzu is shown just aft of the stern; forward from the bow are the destroyer Kuwa.

哨戒ヘリコプター SH-60K


双対の巨竜 阿形 -航空母艦 加賀-


The Twin Birds of Prey “Akagi and Kaga”
The Akagi and Kaga were the first large aircraft carriers of the Imperial Japanese Navy. The carriers that were built after them owed a lot to their design and performance. In the beginning of the Greater East Asian War (the Pacific War) they played a very important role. The 1st Carrier Division was formed from the Akagi and Kaga. They fought well together, but at the Battle of Midway, first the Kaga was bombed, then the Akagi became non-operational.
I drew these two works imagining the two ships as the two wings of a bird of prey. The Kaga is forcefully pushing her way through the waves. The Akagi, with her long hull, gracefully slides forward. They seem like the guardian dogs at a shrine, one (Kaga) with mouth agape on the right, the other (Akagi), on the left, with mouth closed, but also spreading their wings like a Sea Eagle.


Aircraft carrier HIJMS Kaga
“The Twin Birds of Prey -Aircraft carrier HIJMS Kaga Forcefullness-”
Kaga was part of the Imperial Japanese Navy’s Eight-Eight Fleet Program, and if completed as originally designed she would have been a more powerful battleship than the Nagato class. However, due the stipulations of the Washington Naval Treaty, construction on her was stopped. It was intended to deregister and scrap her along with her sister ship the Tosa, but when the Amagi was damaged in the Great Kanto Earthquake, it was decided to pair the Kaga with the aircraft carrier Akagi. At that time, aircraft carrier design had not yet fully developed, so various difficulties were encountered just after completion. However, after a major refit, she had good aircraft capacity, and the cruising radius to become an excellent aircraft carrier. In the Greater East Asian War (the Pacific War) she served alongside the Akagi from the Showa 16 (1941) attack on Pearl Harbor onward. On June 6, Showa 17 (1942) she was lost at the battle of Midway, but her reputation lives on as one of the most powerful aircraft carriers of the Imperial Japanese Navy.

双対の巨竜 吽形 -航空母艦 赤城-


The Twin Birds of Prey “Akagi and Kaga”
The Akagi and Kaga were the first large aircraft carriers of the Imperial Japanese Navy. The carriers that were built after them owed a lot to their design and performance. In the beginning of the Greater East Asian War (the Pacific War) they played a very important role. The 1st Carrier Division was formed from the Akagi and Kaga. They fought well together, but at the Battle of Midway, first the Kaga was bombed, then the Akagi became non-operational.
I drew these two works imagining the two ships as the two wings of a bird of prey. The Kaga is forcefully pushing her way through the waves. The Akagi, with her long hull, gracefully slides forward. They seem like the guardian dogs at a shrine, one (Kaga) with mouth agape on the right, the other (Akagi), on the left, with mouth closed, but also spreading their wings like a Sea Eagle.

大東亜戦争序盤は、第一航空艦隊旗艦として真珠湾攻撃、セイロン沖海戦等の重要な海戦に参加しました。昭和17(1942)年6月のミッドウェイ海戦で赤城は、アメリカ空母エンタープライズ所属機の急降下爆撃により炎上し、艦内の弾薬が誘爆して航行不能となり、駆逐艦 嵐、野分、萩風、舞風によって雷撃処分されました。

Aircraft carrier HIJMS Akagi
“The Twin Birds of Prey -Aircraft carrier HIJMS Akagi Gracefullness-”
The battlecruiser Akagi was part of the Eight-Eight Fleet Program, along with her sister ship, the Amagi. As part of the restrictions imposed by the Washington Naval Treaty, it was decided to complete both ships as heavy aircraft carriers. However, in the Great Kanto Earthquake of Taisho 12 (1923), the Amagi was seriously damaged, and it was quickly decided to replace her with the Kaga. Since the Akagi was originally designed as a battlecruiser, she had a long graceful hull, and was capable of high speed, becoming an excellent aircraft carrier.
In the Greater East Asian War (the Pacific War), she was the flagship of the 1st Carrier Fleet, and was at Pearl Harbor and the attack on Ceylon. In June of Showa 17 (1942) she was hit by dive bombers from the aircraft carrier Enterprise, was engulfed in fire, her magazines exploded and she became incapable of movement. She was scuttled by torpedoes from the destroyers Arashi, Nowaki, Hagikaze and Maikaze.

二等戦艦 扶桑

扶桑(初代)は、大日本帝国海軍が初めてイギリスへ発注した主力艦の1隻です。同時代の装甲艦オーディシアスをベースに設計され、大日本帝国海軍史上初の総鉄製の艦体を持った艦でした。水線部の装甲帯には231mmの装甲が貼られ、排水量がそれまでの主力艦 東の倍以上であり、清国北洋水師が定遠、鎮遠を得るまでは、アジア唯一の近代装甲艦として君臨しました。

Second-class Battleship HIJMS Fuso
The Fuso (the first Fuso) was one of the first warships ordered by the Imperial Navy from Great Britain. The design was based on the armored ship HMS Audacious. She was the first ship in the Imperial Navy with an iron hull. With a 231mm armor belt at the waterline, she had a displacement of more than twice that of the Azuma. She was capable of taking on the Qing Dynasty’s giant ships, the Dingyuan and Zhenyuan of the Chinese Beiyang Fleet, making her a unique ship in modern Asia. In the Sino-Japanese War, at the Battles of the Yellow Sea and Weihaiwei, her guns made a significant contribution to Japanese victory. In the Russo-Japanese War she did not serve as a first-class warship, but as a second-class ship. She participated in the Attack on Port Arthur, patrolled the Tsushima Strait, and was at the Battle of Tsushima. After the Russo-Japanese War she was re-designated as a second-class coastal defense ship. In Meiji 41(1908) she was struck from the active duty register after 31 years of service, one of the first vessels of the Imperial Japanese Navy.
In this work I have depicted the Fuso steaming to engage the Baltic Fleet off Tsushima. She led the 7th Squadron of the 3rd Fleet consisting of the Takao, Tsukushi, Chokai, Maya,
and Uji.