双対の巨竜 吽形 -航空母艦 赤城-


The Twin Birds of Prey “Akagi and Kaga”
The Akagi and Kaga were the first large aircraft carriers of the Imperial Japanese Navy. The carriers that were built after them owed a lot to their design and performance. In the beginning of the Greater East Asian War (the Pacific War) they played a very important role. The 1st Carrier Division was formed from the Akagi and Kaga. They fought well together, but at the Battle of Midway, first the Kaga was bombed, then the Akagi became non-operational.
I drew these two works imagining the two ships as the two wings of a bird of prey. The Kaga is forcefully pushing her way through the waves. The Akagi, with her long hull, gracefully slides forward. They seem like the guardian dogs at a shrine, one (Kaga) with mouth agape on the right, the other (Akagi), on the left, with mouth closed, but also spreading their wings like a Sea Eagle.

大東亜戦争序盤は、第一航空艦隊旗艦として真珠湾攻撃、セイロン沖海戦等の重要な海戦に参加しました。昭和17(1942)年6月のミッドウェイ海戦で赤城は、アメリカ空母エンタープライズ所属機の急降下爆撃により炎上し、艦内の弾薬が誘爆して航行不能となり、駆逐艦 嵐、野分、萩風、舞風によって雷撃処分されました。

Aircraft carrier HIJMS Akagi
“The Twin Birds of Prey -Aircraft carrier HIJMS Akagi Gracefullness-”
The battlecruiser Akagi was part of the Eight-Eight Fleet Program, along with her sister ship, the Amagi. As part of the restrictions imposed by the Washington Naval Treaty, it was decided to complete both ships as heavy aircraft carriers. However, in the Great Kanto Earthquake of Taisho 12 (1923), the Amagi was seriously damaged, and it was quickly decided to replace her with the Kaga. Since the Akagi was originally designed as a battlecruiser, she had a long graceful hull, and was capable of high speed, becoming an excellent aircraft carrier.
In the Greater East Asian War (the Pacific War), she was the flagship of the 1st Carrier Fleet, and was at Pearl Harbor and the attack on Ceylon. In June of Showa 17 (1942) she was hit by dive bombers from the aircraft carrier Enterprise, was engulfed in fire, her magazines exploded and she became incapable of movement. She was scuttled by torpedoes from the destroyers Arashi, Nowaki, Hagikaze and Maikaze.