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投稿者: artstudio
「焔弾の射手 -Diamond Shield- 護衛艦こんごう」と「White Base -護衛艦 かが-」をECサイトで取り扱い始めました
「焔弾の射手 -Diamond Shield- 護衛艦こんごう」と「White Base -護衛艦 かが-」をECサイトで取り扱い始めました
「焔弾の射手 -Diamond Shield- 護衛艦こんごう」はこちらから
「White Base -護衛艦 かが-」はこちらから
「菅野泰紀鉛筆艦船画集 肖像 -承- 濤声は凱歌の残響」発売開始!
「菅野泰紀鉛筆艦船画集 肖像 -承- 濤声は凱歌の残響」販売中!
ページ数:160頁 サイズ:24cm×25cm
収録点数:79点 言語:日英対訳
記念艦三笠・靖国神社 遊就館 特別企画 鉛筆艦船画展
来賓挨拶 蕪嶋神社宮司野俊雄様
青森県立三沢航空科学館企画展「肖像 -序- 菅野泰紀 鉛筆画の世界」を本年7/21~10/25の日程で開催中。
龍は激浪を越え 阿形 -航空母艦 蒼龍-
Dragons conquer the raging waves
“Hiryu and Soryu”
The Hiryu and Soryu were built as medium-class carriers as part of the Second Replenishment Plan. The Soryu was built according to the restrictions of the Naval Treaty, but the Hiryu’s construction circumvented those restrictions.
These two ships, along with the Akagi and Kaga, greatly increased Japan’s carrier force. In the beginning of the Greater East Asian War (the Pacific War) these ships played a significant role.
“Dragons conquer the raging waves” features both these ships, and shows their power. The Soryu is cresting a large wave, while the Hiryu is plowing through one. These works have two different concepts. With Soryu, two dragons can be seen descending from Heaven in the background clouds. With the Hiryu, who upheld the honor of the Nation at the Battle of Midway, she is performing what carriers do in war, launching aircraft.
Aircraft carrier HIJMS Soryu
“Dragons conquer the raging waves-Aircraft carrier HIJMS Soryu-”
Soryu was a medium-class carrier built under the Second Replenishment Plan. She was built under the stipulations of the Washington Naval Treaty, but while under construction, the Fourth Fleet incident* occurred, so many tolerance tests were taken on her hull to confirm its strength. These tests, along with changes in plans, made construction complicated.
In the Greater East Asian War (the Pacific War), she was one of the main carriers of the Imperial Japanese Navy, and participated in the Pearl Harbor attack. On June 5, Showa 17 (1942), at 7:25 a.m. Japan time, she was caught by some 20 or more SBD Dauntless dive bombers from the American carrier Yorktown, and set aflame.
Along with Captain Yanagimoto and 700 of her crew, she did not survive the day, and disappeared beneath the sea.
*Hulls were found to be of insufficient strength, and many changes were made to their design.
龍は激浪を越え 吽形 -航空母艦 飛龍-
Dragons conquer the raging waves
“Hiryu and Soryu”
The Hiryu and Soryu were built as medium-class carriers as part of the Second Replenishment Plan. The Soryu was built according to the restrictions of the Naval Treaty, but the Hiryu’s construction circumvented those restrictions.
These two ships, along with the Akagi and Kaga, greatly increased Japan’s carrier force. In the beginning of the Greater East Asian War (the Pacific War) these ships played a significant role.
“Dragons conquer the raging waves” features both these ships, and shows their power. The Soryu is cresting a large wave, while the Hiryu is plowing through one. These works have two different concepts. With Soryu, two dragons can be seen descending from Heaven in the background clouds. With the Hiryu, who upheld the honor of the Nation at the Battle of Midway, she is performing what carriers do in war, launching aircraft.
Aircraft carrier HIJMS Hiryu
“Dragons conquer the raging waves-Aircraft carrier HIJMS Hiryu-”
Hiryu was a medium-class carrier built under the Second Replenishment Plan. Since she was the second ship of the Soryu class, more liberties from the Washington Naval Treaty were taken in her construction. She was an improved ship, and had a very different appearance than the Soryu.
In the Greater East Asian War (the Pacific War), she was one of the main carriers of the Imperial Japanese Navy, and participated in the Pearl Harbor attack. In June of Showa17 (1942), at the Battle of Midway, even with the loss of the Akagi, Kaga, and Soryu, under the orders of Admiral Yamaguchi Tamon she desperately struck back, crippling the American carrier Yorktown. However, the Hiryu herself was then struck by bombs, set afire, and became unable to make headway. She was scuttled by torpedoes from the destroyer Makigumo. Admiral Yamaguchi and Captain Kaku remained on board, and plunged to the bottom of the sea with several hundred of her crew.
鋼鉄の浮城-戦艦 武蔵 2604-
Battleship HIJMS Musashi
“Steel Fortress of the Sea -Battleship HIJMS Musashi 1944-”
The Musashi was the strongest and last battleship ever built in Japan by the Imperial Japanese Navy. The Mitsubishi Nagasaki Shipyard had never before produced a ship with such powerful guns. Prior to construction, the dry dock was expanded, and no effort was spared in securing technicians for the construction.
Also, since the construction of the ship was secret, security measures were taken to extreme lengths. As the last Japanese battleship built, she did not participate much in the Greater East Asian War (the Pacific War). On October 24, Showa 19 (1944), during Operation Sho Ichi-Go, she was attacked six times by American aircraft before finally slipping beneath the waves.
This work shows her in July of Showa 19 (1944) in the Lingga Anchorage with her protective screen of destroyers, while transporting Army troops and equipment.
海征く牙狼-重巡洋艦 衣笠2602-
重巡洋艦 衣笠は、前型の古鷹型をより発展させた青葉型の2番艦です。日米開戦直後からグアム島・ウェーク島攻略作戦、そして珊瑚海海戦などに参戦しました。その後、ガダルカナル島をめぐる激戦では、第一次ソロモン海戦での圧倒的勝利に貢献しました。結果的に敗れたサヴォ島沖海戦でも、衣笠は敵駆逐艦を撃沈するなど活躍しました。しかし昭和17年(1942)11月14日、第三次ソロモン海戦でヘンダーソン飛行場への攻撃時に敵機の猛攻を受けて、その戦歴に幕を下ろしました。
Heavy cruiser HIJMS Kinugasa
“Conquering Wolf of the Sea-Heavy cruiser HIJMS Kinugasa 1942- ”
The heavy cruiser Kinugasa was the second ship of the Aoba class, an improved version of the Furutaka class. Once war began with the United States, she participated in the action against Guam and Wake Island, and the Battle of the Coral Sea. In the intense fighting around Guadalcanal, in the first Battle of the Solomon’s, she helped achieve a lopsided victory for Japan. In what was a defeat for Japan, she sank an enemy destroyer in the Battle of Savo Island. However on Showa 17 (1942) November 14th, in the third Battle of the Solomon’s, while attacking Henderson airfield, she was furiously attacked by enemy aircraft, and she succumbed.
In this drawing she is shown at night using her searchlights, and training her main gun battery on the target. It was my intention to create a scene that cannot be seen with a photograph, so I included a starry sky. According to Chief Gunnery Officer Maru Toshiro, the range room’s windows were covered with protective coverings.
連理の塔 2604 -宵の山城-
厳しい教練がなされ、『鬼の山城』と新兵たちに畏れられました。その後、ミッドウェイ海戦での大敗により戦局が悪化したことを受け、電探を新たに装備し、対空武装を強化した上で戦線へと引き戻されることになりました。昭和19(1944)年10月25日未明、西村祥治中将率いる艦隊の旗艦となった山城は、姉妹艦 扶桑や重巡洋艦 最上、駆逐艦4隻と共にアメリカ艦隊が集結するレイテ湾へ向かってスリガオ海峡へ突入しました。そこで繰り広げられた壮絶な夜戦で集中砲火を浴び、沈没しました。生存者は極めて少なく、その凄絶な戦闘の実態は今に至るまであまり語られていません。
Battleship HIJMS Yamashiro
“The towering pagodas 1944 -Yamashiro in the moonlight-”
Yamashiro was the second ship in the Fuso class and the second super Dreadnought battleship completely built in Japan. Up until the mid-part of the Greater East Asian War (the Pacific War), along with her sister Fuso she served a gunnery training ship at the Hashirajima range near Kure Naval Base. The officers were very strict in their training, and the new recruits nicknamed the ship “The Demon Yamashiro”. After the grievous losses suffered at the Battle of Midway, she was fitted with radar and increased anti- aircraft armament and sent out to fight. At dawn on October 25, Showa 19 (1944) as the flagship with Vice Admiral Nishimura Shoji on board, she entered Surigao Strait along with her sister ship Fuso, the heavy cruiser Mogami and four destroyers on the way to Leyte Gulf, where they were attacked by the American fleet. Despite the heroic efforts of her crew in the extended battle, she was pummeled by many gun hits and sank. Only a few of her crew survived, a testament to how ferocious the battle was.