海征く牙狼-重巡洋艦 高雄 2604-

高雄は、大きな艦橋を備えた姿が特徴の重巡洋艦です。用兵者側の様々な要望と、艦隊旗艦施設を装備することを前提に建造された結果、このユニークな艦形となりました。高雄は完成後、近代化改装により装備を一新して大東亜戦争に参戦し、主に南太平洋で作戦に従事しました。その後も各方面で目まぐるしく様々な任務につき、昭和19(1944)年10月には捷一号作戦に参加しました。レイテ湾に向かう途上、アメリカ潜水艦の雷撃で損傷し、シンガポールに回航されました。そこでイギリス潜水艇XE 3の雷撃で行動不能となり、終戦を迎えました。戦後、イギリス軍に接収され、昭和21(1946)年10月29日に海没処分されました。

Heavy cruiser HIJMS Takao
“Conquering Wolf of the Sea-Heavy cruiser HIJMS Takao 1944- ”
An enlarged bridge was a feature of the Takao. After considering the opinions of the tacticians, this unique bridge structure was decided upon before construction, as the ship was intended to be a flagship. After construction, the Takao was thoroughly modernized and fought in the Greater East Asian War (the Pacific War), mostly in the southern Pacific. She was in many battles, among them Operation Sho Ichi-Go in October, Showa 19 (1944). While steaming towards Leyte Gulf, she was torpedoed by an American submarine, damaged, and set course for Singapore. There she was again badly damaged by the British submarine XE3 and rendered unrepairable. Post war, she was confiscated by Great Britain, and sunk on October 29, Showa 21 (1946).
This work shows her in training just prior to Operation A-Go. The Takao is shown in close up. In the background is the Chokai. Not visible is the Maya, and further behind, the Haguro. In Heisei 28 (2016), on the 70th anniversary of her sinking, this work was dedicated to the Go’o Shrine, which had shared its patron deity with the shrine onboard the heavy cruiser Takao.