海征く牙狼-重巡洋艦 衣笠2602-

重巡洋艦 衣笠は、前型の古鷹型をより発展させた青葉型の2番艦です。日米開戦直後からグアム島・ウェーク島攻略作戦、そして珊瑚海海戦などに参戦しました。その後、ガダルカナル島をめぐる激戦では、第一次ソロモン海戦での圧倒的勝利に貢献しました。結果的に敗れたサヴォ島沖海戦でも、衣笠は敵駆逐艦を撃沈するなど活躍しました。しかし昭和17年(1942)11月14日、第三次ソロモン海戦でヘンダーソン飛行場への攻撃時に敵機の猛攻を受けて、その戦歴に幕を下ろしました。

Heavy cruiser HIJMS Kinugasa
“Conquering Wolf of the Sea-Heavy cruiser HIJMS Kinugasa 1942- ”
The heavy cruiser Kinugasa was the second ship of the Aoba class, an improved version of the Furutaka class. Once war began with the United States, she participated in the action against Guam and Wake Island, and the Battle of the Coral Sea. In the intense fighting around Guadalcanal, in the first Battle of the Solomon’s, she helped achieve a lopsided victory for Japan. In what was a defeat for Japan, she sank an enemy destroyer in the Battle of Savo Island. However on Showa 17 (1942) November 14th, in the third Battle of the Solomon’s, while attacking Henderson airfield, she was furiously attacked by enemy aircraft, and she succumbed.
In this drawing she is shown at night using her searchlights, and training her main gun battery on the target. It was my intention to create a scene that cannot be seen with a photograph, so I included a starry sky. According to Chief Gunnery Officer Maru Toshiro, the range room’s windows were covered with protective coverings.